A System for Measuring the Complex Susceptibility of Small Samples at High Temperatures
---- measures both the real (ε') and the absorptive part (ε") of the
relative complex dielectric constant, ε = ε' - jε" using cavity
perturbation technique
---- at a few selected frequencies between 400 MHz and 3000 MHz
---- at sequentially selected temperatures in range 25°C to 1450°C
---- over a user-specified rate and temperature range
---- in a selected cover gas atmosphere – vacuum to 6 atm absolute

Schematic diagram of the TMono cavity system (in cross-section) showing the linear actuator with the high purity amorphous silica sample holder and a sample located on axis in the centre of the cavity.
Please feel free to phone or e-mail and discuss possible measurements. We treat all communications as confidential unless advised otherwise.