Quinoline (1-Benzazene) C9H7N , Mol. Wt. 129.2
Sample description:
The sample was a yellow liquid, transferred to the holder by a pipette.
- height 13.3 mm
- diameter 4.05 mm
- mass 0.191 gm
- density ~ 1.1 g/cc
Measurement Cycle Parameters:
The measurements shown here were done in two "runs". The first run was done in
collaboration with Prof. J. Zhang of the Univ. of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and used a
standard furnace to cycle the sample to 250°C in a 60 psi UHP argon atmosphere, with
measurements at 25°C steps. The second "run" used a cryostat, in which the holder and
sample were cooled to –70C. The measurements were done during the slow warm up to
room temperature.
Comments on the Data:
Our measurements at the lowest frequency ( ~400 MHz) have significant random error,
and thus any single measurement must be viewed with caution. We have determined
that averaging solves this problem, but under the present multimode operation, this was
not possible.
The melting point of quinoline is given as -15°C. The low temperature measurements
were done using type N sheathed 20 thou thermocouples touching the holder a few
millimetres above the liquid surface.
Plot Legend: | red diamond | 398 MHz |
blue square | 912 MHz | |
black cross | 1429 MHZ | |
blue circle | 1948 MHz | |
red cross | 2450 MHz | |
black diamond | 2985 MHz |

Please feel free to phone or e-mail and discuss possible measurements. We treat all communications as confidential unless advised otherwise.